Changes to Drive Embeds
Google, in their infinite wisdom, recently made some changes to the way Drive files are allowed to be embedded on websites - not just Google Sites, but all websites. These changes are causing a lot of people a number of issues.
Audio Embeds from Drive
This is what an audio file embed used to look like before the recent changes
Nice and compact without (too much) extraneous padding
The new version of the embed is shown below and is (IMO) quite ghastly! The player itself is huge (well, certainly not compact!!) and there is horrible padding at the top of the embed it appears impossible to get rid of.
The only way to get the player controls to appear is to re-size the embed so it looks as shown below. Horrible!
UPDATE: Audio embeds reverted
The Google engineers have changed things so the embed is now more compact again! The image on the right is how appeared for a while earlier in 2024. The version on the left is how it appears now (see also How to embed Audio Files from Drive)
A screenshot of the embed as it was for a few weeks
Image Embeds from Drive
See this explanation and options